Connotation - something that suggests something else, the secondary cultural meaning, for example a rose can signify passion or love.
Camera angles - xls-extra long shot, ls- Long shot, mls - mid long shot, ms- mid shot, mcs- mid close up, cu - Close up, bcu, big close up xcu - extra close up.
Denotation - something that literally or basically means something else for example gold denotes wealth as its an expensive gem.
Diegesis- Fiction in a film like a dream or fantasy world.
Diegetic - sound that you can see being made on the screen for example knocking on a door.
Foley- is artificial sound that is off screen meaning non-diagetic, as it is contrapuntal.
Iconic sign - Signs where the signifier resembles the signified e.g. a picture or photograph.
Ideology - Ideas and social understanding or beliefs in a culture. These values are posed as natural signs through representation that control society to think a certain way.
indexical sign - signs where the signifier is caused be the signified e.g smoke signifies fire.
Non-Diegetic - sound that has been edited onto the film after it was shot for example mysterious tense music.
Natural sound - Diegetic sound that is made from within the scene, and is real, which is parallel to the action on screen.
mise-en-scene - what is on the screen that the viewers can see for example facial expressions on a close up shot.
Metonymy - a kind of connotation where in one sign is substituted for another with which it is closely associated, as in the use of Washington for United States government or the sword for military power.
Paradigmatic Relations - where signs get meaning from their association with other signs
Polysemy - signs that can have more than one meaning e.g. they can be Iconic Indexical and symbolic.
Re-presentation - How person place or thing is presented by the media second hand through their interpretation.
sign - the smallest unit of meaning. Anything that can be used to communicate
Signified : the concept that a signifier refers to.
Signifier - any material thing that signifies e.g. words on a page, facial expression, an image.
Symbolic sign - are arbitrary (random) signs (letters), where the relation between signifier and signified is purely conventional and culturally specific e.g. most words because of languages.
Signification - the message that is expressed intended or signified.
Structuralism - a set of ideas and positions which are built upon rules of exclusion and signifying opposites within the text.
Synamatic Relations - where signs get meaning from their sequential order e.g. grammar or the sequence of events that that make up a story.
Verisimilitude- the truthfulness of a piece of media text so how believable something is to the audience.
represenatation is the re-presentation: rememeber?
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