Wednesday 7 November 2012

Mind Map - plan

So our first discussion in our groups was our own thriller opening; we brainstormed. what would be better a hybrid or sub genre? we made a joint decision of creating the sub-genre a crime thriller. We also knew that we wanted the structure of the film to start at the end and then show the audience the chain of events created this ending. We were trying to come up with of the best setting but it also had to be possible, because we thought about the first scene being set on top of a building. However, this is quite difficult to do because we may not be able to find the correct roof top we are imagining and it would be too expensive to get a green screen. So thought about it being set in a forest but then abandoned the idea, as we thought it may be difficult to tell the difference between a horror or a thriller. Next we though of the possibility of down an alley way but then thought it was to cliché . Therefore the best idea we have is on top of a building, as we thought a basement or attic could be confused with the sub-genre of psychological thriller, so its whether we can find the right building and whether we can film there.

Further discussions led to the idea of the victim was unsure about his whereabouts when he has been abducted, as we had a lot of deliberation over the setting as most ideas came across as too cliché - I feel that its still cliché starting it off in the mans house but my group has made a decision, but thinking about it I agree with them, as it gives the audience a false sense of security.
Later discussions found that it was too difficult to create a film at the end and then go back to the beginning.
We have now also changed the sub-genre/hybrid as we are now doing the hybrid a modern film noir mystery thriller which will add more suspense through more non diegetic sound and low key lighting, also there will be no diegetic dialogue creating even more of a mysterious character of the abductor as the audience won't even know what his voice sounds like.

We brainstormed all of our discussion points - this is our mind map above.

This is my mind map - we decided that we should go away and think about what we had discussed and create a brain-storm of what our own ideas were, so that when we come back as a group we can share our ideas and bring them together as one.

My group have now come up with a plot using the brainstorm above but narrowing it down more, so the following chain of events may be in the thriller opening: (we have two ideas and we trying to decide which one is least cliche as our group is divided though the decision)
1a) a man is sleeping in his bed and suddenly hears something down stairs - close up of eyes opening sharply
b)a man in his study looking through a scrap book of people he has killed hears something and
2a)goes to the hall to find a window has been blown open by the wind
2b) the man walks down stairs to find it was only a pet making the noise - medium shot of man to wide long shot from the corridor through to the kitchen foreground has cat knocked sigh of relief over photo frame
3a) he picks it up and realises that there is a picture of one of the dead girls he's killed in it
3b) has a flash back of him standing over a girls body the same one in the photo
4a) then close up of injection going into mans neck - black out (certain)
5a) man wakes up strapped to a table
6a) diegetic dialogue between the unknown abductor (because he is in low key lighting)and cereal killer
6b) no dialogue edited like the cereal killer is
6c) with each look at the photos of the girls on the walls abducted guy has a flashback of a memory of him standing over each girls body with a murdering instrument in his hand - knife, gun ect
7a) knock at the door stops the unknown abductor from killing cereal killer.
7b) flashing light -red and blue indexical to police therefore a crime thriller
8) credits red blood splattered text over it

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