Wednesday 24 October 2012

My Progress

What Have I Learnt in the First Half-Term in Media?
I learnt many things in media examples include the following:
team work
understanding more vocabulary by making notes in lessons and researching words I wasn't sure about in a book called "Media Studies - Applied"
My Strengths Through the Course!
I was organised and managed my time wisely with my other subject, as I got all the work done by the deadlines, by making To Do lists
I am punctual to lessons and my attendance level is high, I have only missed one lesson as I went on a geography trip, but I caught up with the work, which also shows my maturity, because even though I wasn't in for three days, I still stayed on top of the work load.
My Weaknesses Through the Course!
Punctuation, is a big problem throughout my essays and posts on the blog.
I struggle to understand the following concepts - Indexical, Symbolic and Iconic, so I will ask my teacher to recap over them, as I've already asked my group, but they don't know either. Therefore once I am confiedent about the meanings of the words I will tell them.
Targets to improve
I need to start proof reading my work aloud, so I can able the reader to breath in sentences by using commas and not writing capital letters in the middle of my sentances.
to revise over words that I struggle with by asking a teacher as my group doesn't understand.
Overall progress!
I think I have made a good start to the course over the past six weeks, and I hope the efficencey of my progress contines for the rest of my A-levels

Scince I wrote the above I asked; Mr Ford about the words I didn't understand and so he explained the words to me again. I found that I understood what they meant but just got a bit mixed up. I have now acknowledged that indexical is what we associate things with for example a saber-tooths roar is indexical as the audience understands that a tiger like animal is coming. Also symbolic is something that has a sign like a colour picture or letter therefore a collection of signs signify something for example a skull and cross bone - this could be interpreted differently according to the viewers cultural background as some people could think it would mean toxic and others pirates. Lastly iconic is something or someone that is referred to a genre e.g. a prop setting or actor.

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